Spice Up Your Cereal Boxes with Sharpie Art

I can’t take credit for the cool faces on all of these boxes. I have an artist in my home who learned this technique from a buddy. Since my son took it up, our home has exploded with fun faces that bust up the doldrums of household routines. 

Just for giggles, here’s my how-to tutorial for Cereal Box Sharpie Art:

1.) Choose a cereal (or other) box.

2.) Grab a sharpie.

3.) Get creative.

How long has it been since you’ve given yourself complete creative freedom? When was the last time you recklessly abandoned the rules and thought, “What else could this be?” The ingenuity of this art form is its out-of-the-box thinking. Sorry guys, it just had to be punned.

Just in case you think I’m off my rocker, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m not a super-great artist. I love art, and I marvel at the classic, great artists who’ve earned every bit of their fame. But I am not, and will never be, one of those men or women.

I’m more of an “art-inspires-me-so-I-create” kind of artist. A lot of my work is just odd. I like it that way. But why in the world do I put it online for you to see and try for yourself?

Here’s the thing: I don’t care what category your profession falls under – healthcare, hospitality, computer software development, or waste management – every job needs innovative thinking. Are faces on cereal boxes innovative? Maybe, but they definitely shake things up, and they’re reminders.


Reminders that things can change.


So, if you’re stuck in any way, shape, or form in life, grab a sharpie and a box. Change it up! Remind yourself that even good things can be a little brighter when you add your creative thinking to them.

Until next time,

Invent your story